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Pritchard Pub Podcast
Votisa's Lament (Official Musical Mini-Book)

Votisa's Lament (Official Musical Mini-Book)

From Book One of the Arkae Chronicles (CANON)

Votisa's Lament, written by A.C. Pritchard, taken from MORTAL DESCENT, Book One of the Arkae Chronicles



Votisa the Red Whose heart did ignite

though it was scarred was the source of her might

Her husband was Kapinal Crimson King of yore

Who stormed the city Linger nevermore, nevermore

he left for battle and found his final strife

then left Queen Votisa to carry on his life

Procurator Tantos so cruel so bold

Cut off the tails of Queen and kin both

Her legacy gone scourged by his might

Her crown adorned in grief and pain and blight

The nine crones of Kessa wise and old

Anointed Votisa with power old and cold

Sacred and ancient was the Drake's cursed band

it swayed root and tree to her every command

the Drathuken once divided heard her plight then united

Together now strong the Drathuken Set scales aside to sing a new song

The Hundred-Colored Army born from mother's cries

A banner of unity beneath red moon skies

every caste and shade had come together

To build a new realm their people's tether

Her husband’s vision she strove to make her own

the Red Queen had risen and the world was her throne

(her throne)

Hyberna’s walls of white so high and proud

Felt the wrath of Votisa deep underground

marbled city of pearls where Nyarwood once crowned

Fell to the might of the Red Queen's sound

With roots like serpents fierce and wild

She called them from the land they defiled

The White City drowned under the rainbow tide

legs, gates and throats thrown opened wide

legs, gates and throats thrown opened wide

The city’s heart a grand marble shrine

a jewel the Red Queen intended to find

The Temple of the Divines of marble so grand

Was devoured by roots at Votisa’s command

the Green Fist rose up grasping at stone and fate

Nobles who hid inside were crushed by the weight

The Evertree grows where the temple once lay

A living monument to that fateful day

Its bent limbs hold bones of those left behind

A dark reminder of the Dragon Queen's pride

Survivors fled but soon found their doom

Kalo-Kessa grove a blood-soaked tomb

Those fleeing in their morbid last night

Were gathered up and used in a rite

At her sacred grove their blood soaked the earth

another tree grew into a dome of rebirth

Yet the Red Queen's thirst could not be sated still

For she sought Linger's blood beyond the hill

in her quest for vengeance new enemies came

the most elite among new Procurator’s fame

Metal men clad in armor cold

Each of them blooded and battle-honed

She gave the order for war horns to blow

Outnumbering a hundred times her foes

She still fell with odds a hundred-fold

and her children were among the first ones to go

Men name this Votisa’s Lament

Yet to her kin shes a sacrament

Voice of Lin immortal by myth

Her death entrenched her name a gift

Forever in the annals her spirit reigns

In forests green and root-bound chains

The Drathuken’s voice her legacy proud

Seasons change but her song stays bound

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