Pritchard Pub
Pritchard Pub Podcast
Lone Wolf (Official Musical Mini-Book)

Lone Wolf (Official Musical Mini-Book)

From "A Memory of Mortality" in Book One of the Arkae Chornicles

Lone Wolf, written by A.C. Pritchard, taken from MORTAL DESCENT, Book One of the Arkae Chronicles.

From the perspective of "Little Beltan Girl" from "A Memory of Mortality"



Thumbnail sketches from “A Memory of Mortality” Graphic Novel (in progress), written, inked, and colored by A.C. Pritchard, pencils by Mark Hatherley



His visage was marred scarred a deep hue

One eye a void where no light could break through

Yet deep inside him there still flickered a fight

within that hollow shell unnaturally filled with life

Through the carnage we fled as the world came undone

His wounds told me a story of battles he’d won

But beneath every scar I sensed growing grief

each memory buried longing for release

He felt the weight of a past he could not recall

Yet I saw in his eye that shadows would fall

For each life he had taken for each heart that he’d torn

gifted a ghost of their sorrow a new scar he adorned

In the clamor of war

a child’s lament

my cry in the darkness

his Mortal Descent

Defying his brothers with wrath held in his chest

He sought to protect me so he can finally rest

(just rest)

scorched country fields where shadows now creep

Forgotten faces and the dreams that they keep

A fallen youth in silence now sleeps

a photograph found a new family weeps

At Boyat’s grim theater despair wove a tale

when Furkten unleashed their frigid blue gale

survivors were slaughtered their voices now lost

Each heartbeat extinguished then Reclaimed at no cost

In war's cold embrace I clung to his side

As chaos closed in his wrath was my guide

Through the cries of the fallen the orcish horns blared

Beltan abolished but a tiny spark flared

my Lone Wolf was here with a promise to save

and my stoic protector was never afraid

(never afraid)

Against his own kind he spilled blood and broke bones

To keep me secret safe and warm

He turned on his kin a defiance untold

as Knights of Ash loomed with blades glowing cold

within walls of Eshmic beneath the church’s light

when the heavens wept blood on the last Beltan night

I clung to his side my spirit unbent

While the chaos above sang a song of lament

To save a dear child a promise was made

for Eshmic was lost forgotten to flame

I watched as he faltered yet rose from the pain

His spirit ignited he was fire in rain

(fire in rain)

In a moment of chaos when all hope seemed lost

He stood as my savior despite the great cost

To unite mankind from shadows we rise

In the name of the wolf

beneath Arkae's skies

(Arkae's skies)


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